Saturday, 19 April 2014

First POOF then POP

First POOF then POP  
This design features comic book style text which reads POOF and POP. It was inspired by an article I read the newspaper. Three months ago a Gay bar opened on Ponsonby Rd, Auckland, New Zealand. It has decor themed on comic books of the 1950's and 60's. They used the word poof in their name. However the name is now being changed to POP after complains from the public, including gay people. In this case it was too soon to claim this negative word and use it in a positive context. I wish them the best for their business, under any name.

First POOF then POP Tee Shirt by Pollylitical

Friday, 18 April 2014

Syria. Dude you totally vetoed me!

Syria. Dude you totally vetoed me!   

Syria. Dude you totally vetoed me! Tee Shirts
"Syria resolution vetoed by Russia and China at United Nations" is a quote we see all to often in the news. This design is a satirical look at the United nations in Syria. A video game style image showing the U.N. character sitting, with his feet up, on his laurels. An icon in the colours of the red-white-black United Arab Republic flag, used by Bashar al-Assad and the Ba'ath Party is chasing smaller icons. These are in the colours used by the Syrian Interim Government, led by the Syrian National Coalition, the green-white-black Independence flag. The customisable text reads "Dude, you totally vetoed me!"
u n, veto, syria, war, middle east, united nations, sitting on your laurels, flag, gamer, gaming, bashar al assad, ba'ath party, syrian national coalition, independence, video game, tee shirt
Syria. Dude you totally vetoed me! Tee Shirtsby Pollylitical 
liberate, algeria, libya, bahrain, yemen, iran, palestine, tunisia, egypt, syria, lebanon, iraq, free, shirt
Liberate Shirts by salaamshirts
Free Syria Shirt
Syrian Revolution Shirt
syria, syrian, free, freedom, revolution, army, tees
Free Syria Shirt by DammiSurri

Thursday, 17 April 2014

United Nations, Russia and Ukraine

United Nations, Russia and Ukraine   
gaming, russia, politics, ukraine, unkrainian flag, flag, satire, united nations, laurels, video game, russian flag, print
United Nations, Russia and Ukraine Print byPollylitical

A video game style depiction of the conflict in Ukraine. The image shows a video game style icon, in the colours of the Russian flag (red, white and blue) chasing several smaller ones in the colours of the Ukrainian flag (White and blue). A United Nations coloured icon (blue and white) sits watching, feet up, wearing dark glasses and, it is framed by the laurels of the UN flag.
gaming, russia, politics, ukraine, unkrainian flag, flag, satire, united nations, laurels, video game, russian flag, SHIRT
United Nations, is watching T Shirt byPollylitical 

T-SHIRT, gaming, russia, politics, ukraine, unkrainian flag, flag, satire, united nations, laurels, video game, russian flag,
United Nations, is watching Tshirts byPollylitical 

gaming, russia, politics, ukraine, unkrainian flag, flag, satire, united nations, laurels, video game, russian flag, MUG
United Nations, Russia and Ukraine Coffee Mug by Pollylitical 

Sunday, 13 April 2014


Sheep farm and carry debt  
A fun look play on the WWII poster keep calm and carry on. Some motivation for a struggling farmer.
keep calm and carry on, farm, sheep, debt, farming, carry debt, farm animals, bank, banking, keep calm, money, farmer, t shirts
Sheep farm and carry debt t shirts byPollylitical 

keep calm and carry on, farm, sheep, debt, money, farming, farmer, carry debt, red, keep calm, farm animals, bank, banking, print
Sheep farm and carry debt by Pollylitical 

debt, t-shirt
I'm So In Debt I Could Start A Government Shirt by Libertymaniacs 

Keep Quiet and Pay Taxes Print
Millions of Federal employees depend on your slavish acceptance of the status quo. Don't let them down! Keep Quiet and Pay Taxes!
Keep Quiet and Pay Taxes Print byLibertymaniacs 

Friday, 4 April 2014

Independent Scotland Pure, Dead, Brilliant

Independent Scotland Pure, Dead, Brilliant
Scotland is holding the "Scottish Independence Referendum" on whether it should become an independent country, as is was for over 800 years, prior to 1707. The referendum will take place on Thursday 18 September 2014. This design is for those who support independence, the Scottish flag (blue and white, Saint Andrew's Cross) overlaid with the slag "Independent Scotland. Pure, dead, brilliant.
scotland, scottish, referendum, independence, scottish independence referendum, flag, flag of scotland, pure dead brilliant, united kingdom, great britain, slang, saint andrew's cross, st andrew's cross, tshirt
Independent Scotland Pure, Dead, Brilliant byPollylitical 

scotland, scottish, referendum, independence, scottish independence referendum, flag, flag of scotland, pure dead brilliant, united kingdom, great britain, slang, saint andrew's cross, st andrew's cross, tshirt
Independent Scotland Pure, Dead, Brilliant byPollylitical

vote, referendum, scotland, independent, scottish, independence, election, date, flag, elections, union, unionist, jack, september, tshirts
Scottish independence referendum - vote no tshirts by Funkyworm
 T Shirt Great Britain 2014
Anticipating Scottish independence in the referendum of 2014, celebrate the event with this cheeky new map of Great Britain showing an enlarged Scotland dominating the British Isles.
map, britain, scotland, scottish, independance, cheeky, independent, independant, free, freedom, snp, tees
T Shirt Great Britain 2014 by pelvidge

Wednesday, 2 April 2014

The five eyes

The "Five Eyes"  
The 5 eyes are watching you. The 5 eyes is a shady spying agreement between USA, Canada, New Zealand, United Kingdom and Australia. Spy agencies and spy bases in these countries co-operate with each other, share information and spy, spy spy (I actually have no idea what they do, and that is the point of this design). This image features the face of a 5 shady men, their faces frame the flags of the above mentioned countries.
nsa, gcsb, spying, 5 eyes, war on terror, national security agency, watching, flag, usa, surveillance, spy, don't spy on me, watching you, australia, new zealand, united kingdom, canada, sticker
The "Five Eyes" by Pollylitical 
Find more Waihopi spy base Bumper Stickers at Zazzle

Created By Pollylitical

nsa, gcsb, spying, 5 eyes, war on terror, national security agency, watching, flag, usa, surveillance, spy, don't spy on me, watching you, australia, new zealand, united kingdom, canada, shirt
The "Five Eyes" Shirt by Pollylitical 
Browse other Nsa T-Shirts

Obama NSA Yes We Scan T-Shirt bywearealone 
Look at custom shirts online at Zazzle
 The NSA Has Your Selfies
So the spying government basically has access to all your phone calls, texts, and those horribly embarrassing selfies you sent to - yeah, those.

The NSA Has Your Selfies Tees byLibertymaniacs 
See custom shirts online at Zazzle